Understanding Cooperatives: Unit 1 - The American Business Enterprise System

Quiz 1 Answers

True/False (Write true or false for each statement.)
True   1.  Individually owned, partnerships, corporations, cooperative corporations, and LLC's  help to provide our
                communities with needed goods and services.
False  2.  Cooperatives eliminate the profit motive among members.
False  3.  If an individually owned business firm were to fail, it would not be possible for the owner to lose more than
                 he/she invested in the business.
True   4.  Cooperatives are owned and controlled by members.
False  5.  In a cooperative, capital is generally supplied by investors seeking profits.
True   6.  In an investor-oriented corporation, profits are shared in direct relation to the amount of stock owned.
True   7.  In partnerships, income is distributed among partners according to the percentage of business each one owns.
True   8.  In a cooperative, net earnings are returned to members based on how much the member patronized the
True   9.  Both the investor-oriented corporation and the cooperative corporation must be legally chartered to do business.
True   10. Cooperatives are common in such areas of business as: insurance, credit, agriculture, consumer goods, and rural

11.  Our American system of business is often described as the free or private enterprise system.

12.  List and briefly explain the four basic principles of the American business system.
a)   Freedom of choice
b)   Private property rights
c)   Profit motives of owner
d)   Owner control

13. List the four basic forms of business in America.
a)   Individually owned
b)   Partnership
c)   Corporation

14.  Corporations are divided into two types. What are those two types?
a)   Investor-owned corporations
b)   Cooperative corporations

15.  What hybrid business structure is becoming increasingly common? 

The limited liability company

16. Name a cooperative in your hometown, or a nearby town. (Open group discussion question - select some students to
      provide their answer and discuss.)

Rural Development USDA: Understanding Cooperatives - Unit 1  [Back to Unit 1]