Understanding Cooperatives
Unit 5 - The Cooperative Business Team: Members and Directors - Policy & Control

Unit 5 - Instructor Discussion Guide 

PowerPoint Slides for Unit 5 Discussion Guide

Corresponding slides are in parenthesis with associated discussion points, denoted “S” for slide and by number.  

I. Members Make Cooperatives Work - CIR 11, Chapter 2 (S 5.1)

a) Members exercise their responsibilities (S 5.2)

       1) Commit to products, services, maintaining control, financing (S 5.3)
       2) Use the cooperative as much as possible (S 5.4)
       3) Carry out their ownership and control duties (S 5.5)
       4) Legal responsibilities are pertinent (S 5.6)
       5) Know and understand their cooperative’s attributes (S 5.7)
       6) Finance the cooperative a number of ways (S 5.9)
       7) Member use is important for a variety of reasons (S 5.10)

II. The Cooperative Director - CIR 11, Chapter 3 (S 5.11)

a) Directors have important responsibilities (S 5.12)
b) Selecting directors – traits and what to look for (S 5.13 & S 5.14)
c) Potential directors – election requirements (S 5.15 & S 5.17)
d) Directors have primary control (S 5.17)
e) Directors responsibilities differ from those of management (S 5.18)
f) A look at nine overall responsibilities (S 5.19)
g) Responsibilities in greater detail

      1) Directors preserve character (S 5.20)

      2) They safeguard cooperative assets (S 5.21)

      3) They hire, give authority to, and appraise the manager (S 5.22)

      4) They set, review, and update cooperative policies (S 5.23)

      5) They distribute members’ financial benefits ultimately controlling the cooperative’s balance sheet (S 5.24)

      6) They plan by knowing and evaluating the cooperative’s business, setting goals, developing strategies, and 

          monitoring progress (S 5.25)

       7) They evaluate themselves for self improvement, stronger board performance, and more productive meetings

          (S 5.26)

       8) They choose officers to lead the board (S 5.27)

       9) They appoint necessary committees to improve board effectiveness (S 5.28)


Divide students into groups and have them complete Case Study 5 and then discuss solution.

Have students complete Quiz 5 and then discuss answers. 

Rural Development USDA: Understanding Cooperatives - Unit 5  [Back to Unit 5]