Understanding Cooperatives
Unit 7 - Mini Cooperative Business Experience

Handout 7.2 - Articles of Incorporation

     Articles of Incorporation

_____________________________ (name of business)
____________________________________ (address)

The name of the cooperative shall be ________________________________________.                                 .

ARTICLE II - Purposes
This cooperative is formed for the following purposes: To purchase, market, and sell for and to members, any supplies, refreshments, or services desired by the membership; to conduct any other business authorized or allowed by cooperatives organized under the laws of the State of _______________; and to conduct these activities on a cooperative basis for the mutual benefit of members.

ARTICLE III - Powers, Limitations
This cooperative shall have the following powers:
  1.  To borrow money; to give a lien on any of its assets as security for loans; and to make advance payments.
  2.  To act as the agent of any member or members in any of the activities mentioned in Article II hereof.
  3.  To advertise and develop markets for items handled by the cooperative.
  4.  To buy, lease, hold, and exercise all privileges of ownership over such property as may be necessary for 
        conducting the business of the cooperative.
  5.  To have and exercise, in addition to the foregoing, all powers, privileges, and rights conferred on ordinary 
        corporations by the laws of this nation.

ARTICLE IV - Place of Business
The cooperative shall have it principal place of business in the city of _____________, county of _____________, and state of ____________.

ARTICLE V - Duration
This cooperative shall start __________20 ____ and terminate on 20____.

ARTICLE VI - Directors
The board of directors of the cooperative shall consists of not fewer than _____ members elected from the membership of the cooperative.

ARTICLE VII - Membership
Any person _______________(specify restriction, i.e., age, group), regardless of race, color, sex, or national origin, shall be entitled to membership.

ARTICLE VIII - Capital Stock
Section 1.  The authorized capital stock of the cooperative shall be _____ shares of common stock with a par value of $_______per share.

Section 2. The common stock of the cooperative shall be issued to and held by member patrons of said cooperative and no person, firm, or corporation shall own or hold at any time more than one share of such common stock or shall have more than one vote in transacting business of the said cooperative. The transfer of said common stock must be approved by the board of directors.

IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, We duly elected board members set our hands on this ______day of______, 20_____.

_________________________   ______________
_________________________   ______________ 
_________________________   ______________
_________________________   ______________
_________________________   ______________ 

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