Understanding Cooperatives
Unit 7 - Mini Cooperative Business Experience

Handout 7.6 - Organizational Meeting Agenda

 1. Call meeting to order (temporary chairperson who was selected at planning meeting).

 2. Read the minutes of the earlier planning meeting.

 3. Provide an explanation of the organizational meeting's purpose.

 4. Committee reports.
     a.  Marketing committee.
     b.  Membership committee.
     c.  Bylaws committee.

 5. Motion to organize.

 6. Approve bylaws.

 7. Set the membership fee.

 8. Elect the board of directors.

 9. Set time and place for organization meeting of the board of directors. 

10. Other items. (optional)
      a.  Select name and logo for business.
      b.  Discuss an educational program to implement.
      c.  Other business.

11. Adjourn. 

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