Understanding Cooperatives
Unit 7 - Mini Cooperative Business Experience

Handout 7.8 - Vacancy Announcement (for manager position)


POSITION LOCATION: _________________________ (address of cooperative office) 

NATURE OF POSITION: To provide leadership for conducting the activities of _________________.  In carrying out 
these duties, the individual is responsible to the board of directors of the cooperative.


1.  Carry out plans of the board of directors and follow its policies.
2.  Maintain good relations between the cooperative and its members.
3.  Report to the board of directors at board meetings about the activities of the cooperative and outline any special 
     problems or items that need board consideration.
4.  Appoint and supervise staff as needed to carry out the operations of ___________________.


Preference will be given to candidates who have experience in organizing and conducting activities, events, and business enterprises.

SALARY: Commensurate with experience

EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY: Applicants will be considered without discrimination for any non-merit reason such as race, color, religion, sex, national origin, politics, marital status, age, or membership in an employee organization.

RETURN APPLICATION TO: ______________________________ (name of person to receive applications)

 ____________________________________________ (name of business)

 ____________________________________________ (address) 

APPLICATIONS MUST BE RECEIVED BY: ____________________________ (date)

Rural Development USDA: Understanding Cooperatives - Unit 7  [Next: Handout 7.9]   [Back to Unit 7]