
Board of Directors:

[as of 3.1.24]

Dean Thernes, President – Farmers Pride, Battle Creek [Bd Chair]

Jeremy Wilhelm, CEO – Frontier Co-op, Lincoln [Vice Chair]

Tim Rowe, Director – Country Partners Co-op, Gothenburg [Secretary]

Chris Beins, Director – Aurora Co-op Elevator Co

Luke Carlson, Director – CVA, York

Jeff Krejdl, CEO – Ag Valley Co-op, Edison

Jeff Loschen, Director – CPI, Hastings

Cary Sandell, Lead Relationship Manager – CoBank, Elkhorn

Allan Zumpfe, CEO – Farmers Co-op, Dorchester



The office staff is composed of 3 full-time employees:

Rocky Weber – President & General Counsel

Adam Feser – Director of Cooperative Advancement

Deb Mazour – Office Manager & Program Coordinator


2023-24 Legislative Advisory Committee

The LAC evaluates, formulates, and submits recommendations to the Council’s Board of Directors concerning legislation which it deems appropriate. This committees consists of 9 voting members and is currently comprised of the following individuals:

[effective 1.1.23]

Rocky Weber – Council President & General Counsel [Co-chair]

Dean Thernes, President – Farmers Pride, Battle Creek [Co-chair]

Evan Brandes, Vice Chair – Aurora Co-op Elevator Co

Luke Carlson, Bd Chair – CVA, York

Jeff Loschen, Bd Chair – CPI, Hastings

Bart Moseman, CEO – Farmers Co-op Elevator Co, Hemingford

Jamey Nygren, Dir of Legis Affairs – Farm Credit Services of America

Allan Zumpfe, CEO – Farmers Co-op, Dorchester

David Briggs, CEO – WESTCO, Alliance [ex-officio]


2023 Political Action Committee

This committee consists of 10 members, each serving a 2-year term, as follows:

[effective 1.1.23]

Rocky Weber, NCC President & General Counsel

Dean Thernes, President – Farmers Pride, Battle Creek [Chair]

Gary Brandt, CEO – CPI, Hastings

Carl Dickinson, CEO/President – CVA, York

Galen Kuska, Bd Chair – Farmers Co-op, Dorchester

Mary Kay Lyon, Bd Secretary – CHS Inc, Holdrege

Douglas Olsen, Bd Chair – Panhandle Co-op Assn, Scottsbluff

Bill Schuster, Bd Chair – Aurora Co-op Elevator Co.

Jeremy Wilhelm, CEO – Frontier Co-op Co., Lincoln

David Briggs, CEO – WESTCO, Alliance [ex-officio]


2023 Excellence in Cooperative Education Committee

The ECEC researches, discusses and recommends educational activities it determines to be favorable to the enhancement of the entire farmer cooperative community. It also oversees the Fund For Excellence. This committee consists of 10 members and is currently composed of the following individuals:

[effective 1.1.23]

Adam Feser, NCC Director of Cooperative Advancement

Tim Rowe, Bd Chair – Country Partners Co-op, Gothenburg [Chair]

Carl Dickinson, CEO/Pres – CVA, York

Chad Fehringer, Bd Dir – Farmers Pride, Battle Creek

Jay Geu, Bd Dir – Frenchman Valley Farmers Co-op, Imperial

Brook Stromer, Vice President/Sr Relationship Manager – CoBank

Jeff Krejdl, CEO – Ag Valley Co-op, Edison

Cary Sandell, Lead Relationship Manager – CoBank

Neil Stedman, Bd Chair – Frontier Co-op Co, Lincoln

David Briggs, CEO – WESTCO, Alliance [ex-officio]


2023 Hall of Fame Committee

This committee consists of 5 members, each serving a 3-year term, as follows:

[as of 1.1.23]

Galen Kuska, Exeter [Chair]

Bruce Favinger, Minden [Vice Chair]

Don Anthony, Lexington

Jay Larson, Kearney

Dale Piper, Smithfield

David Briggs, CEO – WESTCO, Alliance [ex-officio]

Rocky Weber, NCC President & General Counsel [ex-officio]