Understanding Cooperatives: Unit 4 - Finance and Taxation of Cooperatives

Quiz 4 Answers 

1.  Cooperative members capitalize their business by purchasing:
      a. Common Stock
      b. Preferred Stock
      c. Transferable Delivery Rights

2.  Retained patronage refers to the proceeds from net income generated by the cooperative allocated to users and then kept in the business. 

 Per-unit retains is capital kept by the cooperative based on the volume or units handled by the cooperative for the users.

3.  Equity capital is supplied by the members and usually does not have a specific due date or regular rate of interest. Debt capital is borrowed money and generally has a due date and an assigned rate of interest.

4.  Sources of long-term credit are:
     Commercial banks
     National Cooperative Bank
     Commercial paper
     Capital stock purchased by member or nonmembers
     Insurance companies
     State governments

5.  Cooperatives do pay taxes, which include:
     Personal property tax
     Social security tax
     Fuel tax
     Sales tax
     Real estate tax
     Excise tax

The liability for taxes on net earnings (profit) for business operations is transferred to members when the net earnings are allocated to the members, otherwise the cooperative pays the tax.

6.  The single tax principle means the profits of the business are taxed only one time either at the business level or at the member level.

7. (S) Sources of cash (U) Uses of cash for the business

(S) Sale of fixed assets
(S) Members purchase common stock
(U) Giving customers credit
(U) Buying inventory
(S) Sale of inventory
(U) Purchasing members production
(S) Collecting accounts receivable
(S) Nonmembers purchase preferred stock
(S) Suppliers give 30 day credit
(U) Paying accounts receivables

8.  Depreciation is classified as an expense when determining the profitability of the business. The operating statement and balance sheet show depreciation as an expense. However, depreciation expense isn’t paid in cash like the expenses such as salary and wages or the electric bill. 

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