Understanding Cooperatives

UNIT 4—Finance and Taxation of Cooperatives

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Printable Documents Unit 4

Teaching Tools:
Instructor Discussion Guide
Quiz 4
Quiz 4 Answers
Unit 4 PowerPoint Slides
S 4.1 Who Finances the Business (Members)
S 4.2 Common Stock 
S 4.3 Preferred Stock
S 4.3 Transferable Delivery Rights
S 4.5 Who Finances the Business (Owners)
S 4.6 Retained Patronage, Per-Unit Retains, Equity Redemption
S 4.7 Who Finances the Business (Creditors)
S 4.8 How Cooperatives are Taxed
S 4.9 Taxation Example
S 4.10 Single Tax Treatment
S 4.12 Flow of Funds to Finance a Business
S 4.13 Flow of Funds Exhibit

Teacher References
CIR 55: Co-ops 101
CIR 45, Section 7: Financing Cooperatives
CIR 45, Section 8: Income Tax Treatment of Cooperatives

Student References
CIR 5: Cooperatives in Agribusiness
CIR 45, Section 7: Financing Cooperatives
CIR 45, Section 8: Income Tax Treatment of Cooperatives

Unit 4 - Finance and Taxation of Cooperatives


The objective of this unit is to teach the student how a cooperative is financed and taxed.

After completion, the student should:

1.  Be able to explain the difference between the two forms of capital – debt and equity.

2.  Be able to explain how equity capital is provided.

3.  Be able to describe the various ways a cooperative can obtain borrowed capital.

4.  Be able to explain the single tax principle and how it works for cooperatives.

5.  Be able to trace the flow of cash through a cooperative business.

Instructor Directions

1. Become familiar with the information provided as well as the reference materials.

2. Lead the discussion using PowerPoint slides and/or selected references provided. The discussion guide serves as an outline.

3. Identify a cooperative in the area, and research its financing characteristics by interviewing the local manager and others.

4. Trace the cash flow through a cooperative business. 

Developed by: Rural Development - Cooperative Programs, U.S. Department of Agriculture
Cooperative Programs Website