Instructor Discussion
PowerPoint Slides for Unit 6 Discussion Guide
Corresponding slides are in parenthesis with associated discussion
points, denoted “S” for slide and by number.
I. What the Cooperative Manager Does - reference CIR 11, Chapter
3 (S 6.1)
a) The Manager (S 6.2)
1) Understands the
cooperative's purpose and follows board policy (S 6.3)
2) Advises the board (S
3) Controls daily
operations (S 6.5)
4) Hires staff (S 6.6)
5) Sets tactical goals in
line with long-range plans (S 6.7)
6) Reports to the board (S
7) Reports to members (S
8) Represents the
cooperative (S 6.10)
b) Cooperative Manager - A Unique Position (S
II. What Cooperative Employees Do - reference CIR 11, Chapter 5 (S
a) Employees are the Glue that Binds Members to
their Business (6.13)
b) Cooperative Employee Responsibilities (S 6.14)
1) Promote the cooperative
2) Deliver supplies
3) Handle members'
4) Order and maintain
5) Keep accurate records
6) Recommend
7) Handle complaints
8) Represent the
9) Maintain facilities
c) Cooperatives Need Quality Cooperative Employees
(S 6.15)
1) They understand the
cooperative (S 6.16)
2) They follow cooperative
policies and rules (S 6.17)
3) They respect all
customers/members and treat them fairly (S 6.18)
4) They are well trained
(S 6.19)
5) They communicate well
(S 6.20)
6) They properly maintain
member-owner assets (S 6.21)
7) They often participate
in community activities (S 6.22)
8) They maintain personal
appearance (S 6.23)
III. Review: Key People in a Cooperative (S 6.24)
a) Key People Make up the Business Team
1) Members -
as the user owners
2) Directors -
as the policy-making body
3) Manager -
as the supervisor
4) Employees -
as the work force
b) Review different aspect of key people -
distribute and discuss handouts
1) Responsibilities
of Key People (Handout 6.1)
2) The Business Team
and Related Responsibility, Authority, and Accountability (Handout 6.2)
3) Decisionmaking in
a Cooperative (Handout 6.3)
Optional Exercise: Divide students into groups and have them complete Case Study 6. Then openly discuss solution.
Have students complete Quiz 6 and then discuss answers.