Understanding Cooperatives
Unit 7 - Mini Cooperative Business Experience

Unit 7 - Instructor Discussion Guide

PowerPoint Slides for Unit 7 (correspond to Handouts)

Numbers in parenthesis refer to associated handouts.

I.   Procedure for organizing and operating the MINI COOPERATIVE:

            a) Call a planning meeting of 8 to 15 persons representing the target audience.


            b) At the planning meeting: (Handout 7.1)

                        1) Explain the MINI COOPERATIVE and some activities it could conduct.

                        2) Determine if the group is interested in organizing a MINI COOPERATIVE.

                        3) Elect a temporary chairperson, secretary, and treasurer.

                        4) Hand out and discuss a proposed copy of the Articles of Incorporation and

                            Bylaws. (Handout 7.2 and Handout 7.3)

                        5) Discuss projects or activities that could be conducted. (Handout 7.4)

                        6) Suggest the amount of "earnest money" to be collected.

                        7) Set date, time, and place for the organizational meeting.

                        8) Discuss the need to appoint Steering Committees in the areas of bylaws,

                            marketing, and membership. (Handout 7.5)

                        9) Provide a receipt book for the "earnest money" to the membership committee.


            c) Publicize the organizational meeting. Send extra copies of notice to planning committee members.


            d) Meet with temporary chairperson to plan the organizational meeting.

                        1) Review agenda.

                        2) Review parliamentary procedure, if appropriate.

                                    e) Hold an organizational meeting. (Handout 7.6)

                                    f) Hold a board of directors meeting as soon as possible after the

                                        organizational meeting. (Handout 7.7)

                                    g) Hold additional board meetings as necessary.

                                    h) Work with the manager on organizing activities and projects. (Handout 7.8

                                         and Handout 7.9)

                                    i) Work with the board on planning membership meetings. (Handout 7.10                                                                          and Handout 7.11)

                                    j) Have board discuss with members stock and membership certificates                                                                            (Handout 7.12 and Handout 7.13)

                                    k) Procedure for dissolving the MINI COOPERATIVE:

                                                1) Have board of directors appoint an auditor (usually not a student).

                                                2) Treasurer provides report to auditor (Handout 7.14)

                                                3) Auditor audits the books and prepares a balance sheet and                                                                               operating statement (Handout 7.15 and Handout 7.16).

                        3) Board of directors meet and declare a patronage refund or dividend based on the auditor's report.

                        4) If any funds are left after declaring patronage refund or dividend, the board

                             should decide how these funds will be spent (see bylaws for guidelines).

                        5) Final membership meeting. (Handout 7.17) 



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